Our Bible:
We believe that the Old and New Testaments are verbally inspired of God; without error, and are our final authority in faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:16).
Our God:
We believe there is one God, infinite, true, perfect, and eternal; existing in three persons which we call the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:16-17).
Our Condition:
We accept the Genesis account of man’s creation and fall. We believe that man was created in the image of God and that he sinned, thereby bringing both physical and spiritual death (Romans 5:12).
Our Savior:
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin, sinless, and that He voluntarily took upon Himself in human flesh our sin at the cross, and through His death and resurrection, He provided eternal life for all men who will, by faith, receive Him as their personal Savior (John 1:12).
Our Hope:
We believe that Christ is alive and could come at any moment to take all born again Christians to be with Him in Heaven. We are instructed to be watchmen; ready for Him at any time and trust that everyone using this camp will come to know Christ as personal Savior and share in this blessed hope (Titus 2:11-13).