Rides with temperatures and wind chills that fall below zero degrees are subject to cancellation.
General Guest Policies
Rides with temperatures and wind chills that fall below zero degrees are subject to cancellation.
Snow Tubing
Sleigh / Wagon Rides
Groups of 30 or More
Changes to your expected number must be requested and approved by the office. If a change to the expected number occurs, total charges must not fall below the amount as indicated below. **The group is responsible for a minimum of 85% of the projected total charges at the time of final payment.** In the case of a cancellation, the group forfeits the amount corresponding with the date of cancellation. In the case of uncooperative weather, as determined by Ironwood Springs, a reservation may be canceled and a full refund issued if rescheduling is not an option.
- At least 30 days before reservation date... No fee
- Less than 30 days but no less than 3 days before reservation date... 50%
- Less than 3 days before the arrival date... 100%